Meridian massage is a massage therapy based on the principles of Chinese medicine. Through meridian massage, blood circulation can be improved, metabolism can be enhanced, deep detoxification can be carried out, and the internal organs can be regulated, thus achieving the purpose of natural health care and wellness.
The specific made magnetic stick can achieve the above effect because blood contains iron, which is a positive electrode charge, while the magnetic stick has a negative electrode charge, so the stick can attract and guide the flow of blood, achieving the effect of blood circulation faster than human finger pressure. When the blood flows smoothly, toxins and waste products are more easily removed from the body, thus invigorating the blood, reducing swelling, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and eliminating muscle fatigue.
Improves blood circulation and metabolism
Improves numbness in the hands and feet
Improve back pain, knee pain and foot pain
Promoting blood circulation and eliminating muscle fatigue
Price: $880/20mins
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