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Body Slimming


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Treatment: Thermoslim massage

Targeted problem: puffiness and flabby body shape, muscle aches and pains
Technology: The massage heads are made of nanoceramic powder, which evenly releases natural mineral, which are then transferred throughout the body by warm heat therapy and vacuum suction, raising the temperature of the body's cells to achieve a revitalising effect.

Treatment features: 4 exclusive massage heads that focus on puffy and flabby bodies, with 6 rhythmic kneading and percussive patterns, allowing the muscles to contract and relax repeatedly through massage with air-pressure tapping, relieving tension in superficial muscles and even deeper muscles that cannot be reached by manual massage. Each massage head has a built-in temperature sensor and triple filter that stops heating when the specified temperature is reached, preventing the head from overheating and burning the skin, and effectively blocking viruses, moulds and other contaminants to ensure safety and hygiene.

Benefit :

  • Lymphatic drainage of toxins from the body
  • Eliminates pain
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Remove oedema
  • Improves body shape

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