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Cooling Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal


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Treatment: 810nm Cooling Laser Hair Removal
Technology: The 810nm wavelength laser effectively penetrates the skin and heats the hair follicle, destroying the hair follicle's growth structure and causing the follicle to atrophy, effectively destroying the hair's ability to regenerate.

Treatment features: Painless and effective

The large area of the light allows for the treatment of 100-150 hairs per session (depending on the area). The treatment time can be shortened because the body is equipped with a sealed circulation water cooling system, which can be adjusted to the skin condition at any time during the hair removal process. Ensures that the skin temperature does not rise too much and cause pain
No anaesthetic is required to ensure that the epidermis is not burned and the treatment is painless and fast

Precautions before laser hair removal:

  • Only use a razor to remove hair before treatment.
  • Do not use all methods of uprooting hair, such as plucking machines, wax, eyebrow tongs, etc. Once the hair has been removed by root plucking, it is necessary to wait approximately 2-3 weeks for the hair to grow back before continuing the procedure.
  • If the skin is inflamed or injured, the skin should wait until it has healed before continuing with the laser hair removal procedure.
  • Activities related to UV radiation should not be performed for 5 days before and after the treatment.

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